I’m talking about things like arrows, stars, hearts, shapes and more. Having an IME makes it much easier to use the special characters that are available on most computers nowadays. Poweruser tip: if you notice your mistake immediately after you’ve entered it (after you hit enter and the underline goes away), you can use CTRL + Backspace to do a quick reconvert. Reconverting is also useful for finding the reading to a word you don’t know: copy and paste the unknown word into Notepad or another text editor and reconvert it (the hiragana/katakana will appear on the conversion list box as shown in the image above). (you should really be using the 変換 key anyway) NOTE 2: On a Japanese computer, you could alternatively use the space bar instead of the 変換 key to initiate a reconvert, but keep in mind that if you’re in English input mode this method will simply replace your text with an empty space. If your IME is on but you don’t get the reconvert option, try copying the text into a different application (eg. NOTE 1: Reconverting via right-click isn’t possible in all settings.
On Japanese computers this option does not appear on the right click menu so you must use the 変換 key (usually to the right of the space bar on Japanese keyboards) to initiate a reconvert. Sounds useful, eh? To do this, simply select the word you want to change, right click and choose “Reconversion.” Voila! You’ve got your list back. “Reconverting” is essentially calling back the kanji selection list for a word that has already been entered. There’s two ways to fix this you could delete the incorrect characters and type it in again (a minimum of 12 keystrokes), or you could reconvert it. So you’re proof-reading an email or something you wrote in Japanese and notice you accidentally entered the kanji 慎重 when you wanted 身長 (meanings are different but both are read: shinchou). Clicking around on your language bar to change the IME mode is just a waste of time use this quick shortcut whenever you need to toggle your IME. This is a very basic tip but one of the most important. Japanese Keyboards: 半角/全角/漢字 (Top left key of the keyboard, below the escape key. It’s usually on the top left corner of your keyboard, right below the escape key.)
#Japanese keyboard how to type a circle mac
#Japanese keyboard how to type a circle software
Typing in Japanese is done with software called an IME (Input Method Editor), which allows you to type Japanese phonetically (romaji) and have the your typing automatically converted to Japanese characters. If you’re serious about learning Japanese, I’m sure you will eventually either want to or need to be able to type in Japanese on your computer.